Products and services

We Categorized Our Products Into 3 Paths


Plastics Path

Our goal is to turn all solutions towards Monomaterial movements where only 1 type of plastic is used.

1. Printing Film- This includes replacement of all current printing film to PE which we are can achieve in both thinner Machine Direction Orientation film or thicker High Density Polyethylene film.

2. Lamination PE Film. With our R&D effort, we have managed to produce Low seal Temperature film, barrier film, high puncture resistance film and general lamination film to support our printing film.
Paper Path

Our goal is to be 100% paper without the need of plastic and metalized laminates.

  1. Barrier Paper. We can produce paper with a special barrier coating that allow our product to achieve OTR value <10. Although, aluminum laminates is still prefer, we have succeed in replacing the need for metalized film.

  2. Sealable Paper. We already do not need plastic coating to seal our paper. With our special coating, we can achieve a stronger sealing force than the paper fiber itself.

  3. Barrier and Sealable Paper. With both, we have succeeded in providing solutions to snack bars and instant noodles market with pending testing on other markets.



Research and development path

We find this path to be our most important path as both plastic and paper path are only possible if we continuously research with different materials and conduct shelf-life test with various products.

  1. For us, sustainability means actively working to become a leader in all three sustainability pillars. This is done by reducing the negative consequences of our operations and products on the environment while ensuring maximum positive impacts on our stakeholders, consumers, and society. We ensure a positive impact throughout the whole value chain in terms of the environment, moral obligation, business ethics, and governance

  2. Our sustainability goal: Our goal is to be the first choice for environmentally friendly packaging solutions. Therefore, we introduced our new Strategy with sustainability as a critical lever to attain our goals. Per the new strategy, we also established our two sustainability aspirations, which will serve as a guide for our sustainability activities.

  3. Our sustainability goals center on two major topics: shifting to a circular economy and taking climate action while also considering other environmental and social elements of sustainability